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UAP Annual National Awards circular issued

SCOUT RALLOS – Pursuant to the administration’s objective to recognize significant accomplishments that encourage best practices in organizational affairs, promote a positive image of the profession, and support UAP’s flagship programs and advocacies, the Office of the Secretary General issued a Memo Circular last October 27, 2017 concerning “UAP ANNUAL NATIONAL AWARDS FOR OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS, CHAPTER AWARDS, MERITORIOUS AWARDS AND DISTRICT AWARDS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2016 – 2017”.

The Circular is issued in coordination with the UAP Committee on Awards (FY 2016 – 2017) which is implementing new guidelines that are deemed easier-to-understand, streamlined to avoid redundancy of bids, incorporate additional descriptive Meritorious Awards bids that automatically become part of Best Chapter bids, reflect activities which relate to the structure of the national organization, and include a clear point system for all re-classified categories.

The UAP Awards are divided into the following:

I. The Outstanding Individual UAP Members Awards. The Outstanding Individual UAP Members Awards are given to honor members for their outstanding services to the profession, the professionals, the professional product and the professional organization. Categories include: Outstanding New Member, Outstanding Regular Member, Outstanding Chapter President (Groups I, II and III) and Outstanding Foreign Chapter President (Groups I and III).

II. The UAP Best Chapter Awards: The UAP Best Chapter Awards are given to honor UAP Chapters for their outstanding performance as extension of the national organization and for their exemplary programs and activities in various specified categories: Best Chapter (for Groups I, II and III), Best New Chapter, Best Foreign Chapter (for Groups I and III), Best New Foreign Chapter.

III. The UAP Meritorious Awards: The UAP Meritorious Awards, given to honor UAP Chapters for particular programs planned and executed with commendable outcomes, focus on eight (8) specific aspects of a chapter’s involvement in the national organization, in the profession, in the community and in the world at large: Best World Architecture Day Program, Best National Architecture Week Program, Best Media and Public Relations Program, Best Professional Development Program, Best Bayanihang Arkitektura (CSR) Program, Best Green Architecture Program, Best Heritage Conservation Program, and Best Unity and Camaraderie Program

IV. The UAP District Awards, which include two categories: Outstanding District Director – The Outstanding District Director Award is given to recognize and honor a UAP District Director who possesses exemplary leadership qualities, unites the Chapters in his/ her District towards a common beneficial goal, promotes and contributes to the National Organization, and advances the programs of the professional organization, and Best District – The UAP Best District Award is given to honor a UAP District for its outstanding performance as a group of Chapters and for their exemplary programs and activities in various specified categories.

According to the Circular, all bids must be received by the Committee on Awards on or before 28th of February 2017 at 5:00 P.M at the 5th floor of the UAP Headquarters. The bids must be addressed and submitted to:

UAP Committee on Awards

UAP National Headquarters

53 Scout Rallos Street, Barangay Laging Handa,

Quezon City 1103

For further information, proper guidance and compliance of all concerned, your may refer to this link:

0REZ05BN1d3ZGVpQIU?usp=sharing to download the UAP Annual National Awards Guidelines and Procedures in excel file forms.

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